Monday, March 2, 2009


In Washington the Supreme Court won't review a lower court decision that banned a high school football coach from bowing his head and kneeling during prayers led by his players. At East Brunswick the football coach has been known to led prayers with players for several years and now is being told not to. For me this just makes it more evident of the devils work in this world. Trying to take God out of every situation so that people will turn from him. This is one of the reasons i have picked to go to a Christian school and will want my children to because i want them to fell they have the opportunity to pray to God when they feel inclined too. We are in a country that many come to for religious freedom but yet we are telling a coach who is a role model that he can not pray. I feel that we are allowing coaches and other people in power get away with horrible things like sexual assault, selling drugs to kids, so many things and prayer is something that someone is being punished for. I think this story has a huge effect on society because it is telling believers that they are wrong and telling non believers that we don't need God in our lives, when in reality we all need him desperately or we would not even be able to walk on this earth. What harm is the coach doing. I understand if there was a student athlete who was uncomfterbale with prayer and the coach was forcing him on his knees to pray. But this is not the case, the athletes have the right to pray or not, the article said that it was with seven players. a football team has at least 30 so no one was forced to do anything. I think that someone in the court systemes needs to hear this story and take away some of that power that this school district seems to want to use so badly. In my eyes there is nothing bad about prayer, only good can come from it and people need to remember that the foundation of this country was built on religion.